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Summary of Claroscuro and Página literal articles,

under the direction and authorship of Ginnette Barrantes


A little bit of skin, Bare Performance.

A little bit of skin, Bare Performance.

Claroscuro #4. (2016) The question for the body, of the analyst, the analyzer, of the Moses of Micheal Angelo, of the Other, orbits -since its origin in Freud- around psychoanalytic history. Side by side with Mayette Viltard and Suzanne Hommels we sail on the cuestion, How does Lacan-analyst...

Sidonie Csillag, A speaking image

Sidonie Csillag, A speaking image

Claroscuro #3. (2013) What is a speaking image? If answered —in a rush— Sidone Csillag, we might catch a glimpse of an answer that must be much broader and complex. Primarily, we should think the consequences that this becoming-image, becoming-voice without own word, in this complex network, that...

Antigone, untreatable or unnamable?

Antigone, untreatable or unnamable?

Claroscuro#2. (2011) Antigone is one of those characters that swim in an ocean of bibliography that speaks of themself, crossing through time, refreshing the notion that her tragedy is as endless and contemporary as any classical text could be. Under the inquiry: Is Antigone untreatable or...

Página Literal

Truth, that strange object.

Truth, that strange object.

Truth, that strange object. Parrhesia and the function of the word in analytic experience. Página Literal #8-9. (Costa Rica, 2008) Can all be said? Is it in the word where the truth can be found? How to take position and what to do when faced with our truth? These sorts of questions are the ones...

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